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Devrace FIBPlus is a fast, flexible and high-performance component library for Borland® Delphi" 5-7, Borland® C++ Builder 5-6 and Borland® Kylix" 3 intended for work with Borland® InterBase® and Firebird using direct InterBase API. FIBPlus combines simplicity of architecture with development convenience that enables to create powerful and effective applications. FIBPlus allows use of all InterBase features and benefits: array-fields, blob-fields, generators and full control of transactions, support of all standard and third-party visual db-aware components, special features for optimization of InterBase net-traffic and a set of special design-time experts.




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FIBPlus technology, 'know-how' articles, tutorials
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How to work with Blobs
A special data type BLOB enables you to store non-structured data in your database, such as images, OLE-objects, sounds, etc.This article is aimed at telling how to work with BLOB-fields.
FIBPlus. Master-detail. Step 5. Customizing master-detail mechanism.
Devrace FIBPlus: Peculiarities of master-detail mechanism in the course of work with InterBase. Step 5.
FIBPlus. Master-detail. Step 4. Master-detail link. Use of a special prefix "MAS_" for parameter naming.
Devrace FIBPlus: Peculiarities of master-detail mechanism in the course of work with InterBase. Step 4.
FIBPlus. Master-detail. Step 3. AutoCommit Mode. Work in the context of two transactions for avoiding DEADLOCK
Devrace FIBPlus: Peculiarities of master-detail mechanism in the course of work with InterBase. Step 3.
FIBPlus. Master-detail. Step 2. Creation of live queries. Use of generators for getting Primary Key values.
Devrace FIBPlus: Peculiarities of master-detail mechanism in the course of work with InterBase. Step 2
FIBPlus. Master-detail. Step 1. Getting data from the table and showing it in TDBGrid.
Peculiarities of master-detail mechanism in the course of work with InterBase. Step 1.
Delphi Informant has published Bill Todd's article about FIBPlus

Bill Todd comes to the only conclusion: "FIBPlus is a great choice if you're going to work with InterBase and/or Firebird. The components let you easily use all the features of both databases in your applications. The option to use separate transactions for reading and updating data is particularly valuable with InterBase 7.1, because it lets you keep datasets open for any length of time without worrying about performance degradation caused by long-running transactions. FIBPlus makes using array fields easy by treating them as variant arrays. Macros make modifying SQL statements in code easy. And the ability to sort a result set in memory without having to re-execute the query lets you provide flexible views of data with minimum network traffic and server load. FIBPlus will make your InterBase and Firebird development easier than ever before..."

Read the full article on Delphi Informant homepage!

FIBPlus Developer's Guide
<a href="/files/devguide1.pdf">Download</a> FIBPlus Developer's Guide (Part 1) in printable format (PDF)
InterBase and Firebird server transactions and their support in FIBPlus
This topic is based on the article written by Michael Zhuravlev ().
Using of FIBPlus macros
While working with TpFIBDataSet and TpFIBQuery it is also possible to use in the query macroses...
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