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Devrace FIBPlus is a fast, flexible and high-performance component library for Borland® Delphi" 5-7, Borland® C++ Builder 5-6 and Borland® Kylix" 3 intended for work with Borland® InterBase® and Firebird using direct InterBase API. FIBPlus combines simplicity of architecture with development convenience that enables to create powerful and effective applications. FIBPlus allows use of all InterBase features and benefits: array-fields, blob-fields, generators and full control of transactions, support of all standard and third-party visual db-aware components, special features for optimization of InterBase net-traffic and a set of special design-time experts.




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FIBPlus trainings in Italy: Development of efficient applications for InterBase


Devrace and Consist companies would like to invite you to FIBPlus technical trainings "Development of efficient applications for InterBase" which will take place the 18 and 19 March in Milan, Italy. The speaker Serg Vostrikov will touch upon such issue as effective development of client-side applications for InterBase/Firebird.

The participation fee is 399 €, snacks, coffee breaks and training aids are included.The training registration is open and those who will book the place in advance (before Jan, 15th) receive a 100 € registration discount. Registration, program and detailed information is available at http://www.consist.it/corsi.htm, at Guido Salvestroni <> or Serg Vostrikov <>. Register now to take advantage of the early registration discount!

The training attendees will also be offered a special 40% product discount on FIBPlus licenses purchased during the training. This exclusive discount is not available elsewhere and the savings of several copies bought at once can easily cover your training costs.

Development of efficient applications for InterBase. Learn how to make your code shorter and your applications faster!

What are these trainings about?

During the trainings you will get to know about specific convenient solutions and technologies for creation of efficient InterBase and Firebird applications in Delphi (C++ Builder *) IDE with FIBPlus. Though we will mainly explain and demonstrate the client-side of development, some server-side InterBase issues will be also touched upon, such as use of generators and blob-fields, network traffic optimization and storing queries and application preferences in a database.

Learn new ways of application development! Often the programmers think within the bounds of the technology they use. If you use standard components you may not see many good and convenient possibilities, though, you can make your code much shorter and your applications more effective. That's why in our trainings we'll use FIBPlus components developed as an alternative to existing products. FIBPlus fully supports Borland InterBase and Firebird, greatly enhance standard TDataSet approach and use direct InterBase and Firebird API. Existing IBX applications can be easy migrated to FIBPlus if you need to increase performance and support of Firebird.

Get deeper!

Thus, the main topics are:

  • How to work with remote and local InterBase servers and get system information about a database.
  • What is recommended if you use InterBase generators for primary keys.
  • How to easily process data among several databases.
  • How to handle specific InterBase errors (for example, foreign keys violation).
  • How do transactions work in client-applications, what ways are better and what ways are unique (FIBPlus implementation).
  • How to link database data and user interface.
  • How to optimize master-detail links in multi-user environment.
  • How to work with BLOB's in applications and how to optimize network traffic.

Seminar program

1st day. Issues for newbies and advanced learners.

  1. How to connect to a database (setting user name and password, character set, getting system information from a database, etc). Task: create an application, which connects to a remote database and checks if the certain table exists.
  2. Execution of queries. Why to use non-buffered and unidirectional query component. Macros versus Parameters. Batch operations.
  3. How to link database data and user interface. Viewing query results in TDBGrid. Creation of 'alive' dataset. How to modify data in TpFIBDataSet in the programming code. Generation of modifying queries with design-time editor. Task: create an application, which allows to select a table and to edit the data in the grid.
  4. Transaction management. Advantages and disadvantages of separate transaction mechanism, simple interaction among transactions. AutoCommit mode. New InterBase 7.1 and Firebird 1.5 transaction methods: SetSavePoint and RollBackToSavePoint.
  5. What is recommended if you use InterBase generators for primary keys. Automatic modifying query generation at run-time - better than TIBTable and more flexible than TIBQuery. Local filtering and local sorting.
  6. Questions/Answers section.

2nd day. Optimization.

  1. How to optimize master-detail links in multi-user environment. "MAS_" prefix. DetailConditions property. WaitEndMasterInterval variable. Task: create the "CD Catalog" program for storing and editing names of music authors and their compact disks.
  2. How to work with BLOB's in applications. Task: continue to develop "CD Catalog", saving and showing CD cover images in a database.
  3. How to optimize network traffic. Client BLOB-filters. "Transparent" packing of BLOB-fields. Caching metadata. Dynamic modifying queries. Using poRefreshAfterPost option in TpFIBDataSet Options.
  4. Using a database as a storage of queries and client options. Saving and using visual field settings in a database. Additional parameters in FIBPlus Repository. Example: localization of DisplayLabel property. Query Repository. Using design-time editors.
  5. How to handle specific InterBase errors. Connection lost, foreign keys violation. Error Message Repository.
  6. Questions/Answers section.

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