Users say about MultiProfile

Alex Tischenko,

I'm working on several versions of the same project. These versions are using different versions of third-party components. This is complete "BPL hell"! But MultiProfile helped me to resolve it. I can even run Delphi with different project versions simultaneitly, and I don't see the message "this unit compiled with different version of..." anymore!
Alexander Rudenko:

MultiProfile is a very nice and simple tool, which helps to simplify and lighten the delicate work with IDE configuration for each project or group of projects. After using the product for several days you will see these benefits. Thanks to MultiProfile I saved much time configuring IDE as I had to set all the options only once. Then I could copy these options from the working computer to the notebook, and immediately restored them by a few mouse clicks after reinstalling Delphi. I just wonder why Borland haven't done this themselves yet.