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Better performance with less memory usage in your database applications based on FIBPlus


September 29, 2003 - Devrace Software Company publishes Devrace FIBPlus 5.0, a fast, flexible and high-performance component library for Borland Delphi, Borland C++ Builder and Borland Kylix for direct access to all Borland® InterBase® and Firebird versions. This version embraces considerable internal changes rising up the component performance to a new level.

"The initial model of work with memory in TpFIBDataSet required continued parts of memory to keep data
obtained from the server. Our new model realized in FIBPlus 5.0, works with fragmentary memory more effectively. This results in a noticeably less memory use during the application work. Besides we have greatly changed string field handling and this process requires now only as much memory as necessary. The following example illustrates my words: formerly for a field described in the table as VARCHAR(4000), all the 4000 bytes were occupied and used for each retrieved record, irrespective of the field content. In FIBPlus 5.0 we occupy as many bytes as necessary to keep a real field value plus a small part for the system information (only 5 bytes). It is obvious that if the field has only one byte out of 4000, the memory savings amount to enormous numbers. The changes also concerned the mechanizm of work with blob-fields. This enabled to increase the efficiency of the component work that is of your applications. I suppose, that due to this version we strode much in the FIBPlus development...", says the leading FIBPlus developer, Serg Buzadzhy.

FIBPlus new features and benefits :

  • Greatly improved memory model enabling users to optimize memory use and get better performance. This FIBPlus version is optimized for use with large record sets, large blob-fields, etc.
  • FIBPlus fully supports such Firebird 1.5 enhancements as transaction savepoints and getting list of active transactions. With FIBPlus you can be sure that your applications are compatible with all InterBase and Firebird versions, and you are able to use any specific features of both database servers.
  • FIBPlus 5.0 correctly supports Int64 data type in datasets and queries. Use large integer fields in your applications with confidence.

Pricing and Availability

Devrace� FIBPlus� is immediately available for purchase for 199 Euro per seat. Special volume discounts are available. For more information, visit https://devrace.com/en/shop/. FIBPlus is available for download from http://www.fibplus.net/

About Devrace FIBPlus

Devrace FIBPlus is a fast, flexible and high-performance component library for Borland® Delphi" 5-7, Borland® C++ Builder 5-6 and Borland® Kylix" 3 intended for work with Borland® InterBase® and Firebird using direct InterBase API. FIBPlus combines simplicity of architecture with development convenience that enables to create powerful and effective applications. FIBPlus allows use of all InterBase features and benefits: array-fields, blob-fields, generators and full control of transactions, support of all standard and third-party visual db-aware components, special features for optimization of InterBase net-traffic and a set of special design-time experts.

FIBPlus is the runner-up Best Database Connectivity in Delphi Informant Reader's Choice Awards 2003.

For more information on FIBPlus, visit http://www.fibplus.net/

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