SQLHammer� - Firebird and InterBase visual environment for database development and administration!

We are glad to present our new product SQLHammer, a tool for database development and administration. Its highly effective ideology has been elaborated due to close cooperation with professional database developers and administrators.
SQLHammer architecture is based on component and dynamic module style that enables us to support different database servers and engines. The current SQLHammer version supports Borland InterBase and Firebird (Yaffil).
What sets SQLHammer apart?
Work with what you need! SQLHammer has modular architecture and independent support of different database servers. Every server is supported as a separate independent module (or a set of modules). Download and install only modules you need. Similarly you can choose and use only necessary tools like SQL Editor or SQL Monitor, printing module or metadata searching module. Due to all these features SQLHammer becomes robust and easy-to-use. If you are using only 30% of product features, why to install all the rest?
Reach an object in two clicks! SQLHammer IDE is projected to give maximum control over operations on object. In practice it provides quick and handy work with several databases and many objects at the same time. Navigation tools are places in such a natural order that you do not think how to use them.
Why the program must be smarter than you? Professionals often express sadness that present tools decide for us what to do and how. Even in simplest cases this can lead to undesirable after-effects. That�s why SQLHammer is aimed at direct work with SQL. Its IDE has visual tools for convenient navigation, searching, showing object dependencies, etc, but when you need to change objects or create new ones, you will have direct access to the SQL-code and transaction control. You will always know exactly what�s going on in SQLHammer. Work with code is automated by the templates. Creating a new object you will get an SQL statement, which is practically ready. In most cases direct work with SQL is faster and easier than operations on options in visual dialogs! Try SQLHammer and enjoy its great combination of manual coding ability and absolutely visual administration and development tools!
Developer�s tools
SQLHammer includes all main database development tools.
- Editors to create, edit and delete any database objects, stored procedures, views, triggers, etc.
- SQL Editor to execute queries and DDL operators.
- SQL Monitor compatible with FIBPlus and IBX.
- Handy view of object dependencies.
- Ability of visual editing of data in tables.
- Search for objects in the database.
- Object Inspector to view object properties.
- Control over transactions.
Free Download
Try it for yourself. The best way of seeing what SQLHammer can do for you is by downloading and installing it. Installation is simple and, if you are not convinced, uninstalling is just as simple.