Delphi Application Peeper | Screenshots


View of component properties

Are you sure your properties are correctly set in run-time? You can check this selecting "Spy->Secure some object" in the DAP menu. Being directed to Delphi applications, the mouse cursor looks like a "sight". You just need to click on the component you are interested in with the mouse.

On this screenshot we are checking the value of the DataSource property of DBGrid3. It should be set to dsSubDetails. In real applications we could mix it up with any other TDataSource component and the application would not work properly.

View of component events

Sometimes programmers set wrong event handlers or forget to set them at all. That is why sometimes you code does not do something it has to.

On this screenshot we are checking whether the event handler for ComboBox1 is set and if it is correct.

Getting to know unit name for form

If you have forgotten the unit name of the form on the screen you can click on the form caption with the DAP "slight" cursor and get to know the name. Now you save your time, as it is not necessary to recall this name in Delphi IDE!

On this screenshot we are getting to know that the investigated form is described in master_detail.pas unit.

View of modules used by application

Are you sure your application uses a correct DLL? There can be several DLL's with the same name on your computer. You should know exactly what DLL is used in the program, as wrong DLL can cause strange errors!

On this screenshot we are checking a path to GDS32.DLL necessary for work of our program.