Delphi Application Peeper | Screenshots



Automatic alignment of controls

DesignerPlus can help you to design your forms. On the first scerenshot you see two TEdit components. Mouse cursor shows the place of third TEdit component. When you drop it DesignerPlus shifts it to the horizontal position of the nearest similar component. The result is shown on the second screenshot.



Automatic setting of component sizes

DesignerPlus helps to align components by size. On the first screen there are two TEdit components with not default widths. When we place new TEdit to position shown by the cursor, DesignerPlus automatically sets width of a new component by width of the previous similar one.



Alignment of components by hot-key

Standard Form Designer enables you to align controls by left or top position. However, this feature is not very good if selected controls are disorderly placed on your form. On the first screenshot you should pay attention to Edit3 and Edit4. Edit4 is below Edit3 but Top of Edit4 is between Edit3.Top and Edit3.Bottom. If we align Edit3 and Edit4 by left sides, Edit4 will be above Edit3. DesignerPlus enables you to align controls and set a certain distance between them. On the second screenshot all selected controls are aligned by left and you can see a vertical distance between components.



Selecting component group by hot-key

If you need to select a group of components placed on another component using a standard Form Designer feature, you should manually select each component. On the first screenshot there are several components placed on the panel. If we need to select all these components it is enough to press a DesignerPlus hot-key. You can see this on the second screenshot.

Showing TabOrder values

DesignerPlus enables you to view actual values of TabOrder properties of components on a form. You just need to press a hot-key and a value of TabOrder property of each component will be shown directly on the components. It is much better to show TabOrder on corresponding controls than to check TabOrder in a standard dialogue of Delphi/C++ Builder IDE.