FIBPlus | Screenshots


FIBPlus and standard components (DBChart)

pFIBDataSet is compatible with all standard db-ware controls: TDBEdit, TDBGrid, TDBNavigator, etc. On this screenshot you can see that FIBPlus components can be used with TDBChart component.

FishDemo with FIBPlus components

We have easily converted a standard FishDemo example to FIBPlus. Only standard db-ware controls are used.

FIBPlus and IntraWeb

IntraWeb components are connected to any TDataSet descendants including FIBPlus. On this screenshot you can see a standard Delphi 7 example with IntraWeb ported to FIBPlus. In contrast to the standard example this one has some improvements due to special FIBPlus features. For example, it is easy to include into your IntraWeb application such a capability as sorting grids using FIBPlus build-in memory sorting.