AthlantDiff |
AthlantDiff - a freeware tool for text comparison

Some version control systems do not support visualization of file version comparison. For example, you can not find such tool in CVS. However, most of them enable us to use external difference finders. AthlantDiff is a small, powerful and freeware tool, which is included into Devrace Athlant.
You can compare files of 16 text formats!

AthlantDiff supports different kinds of text files:
- Object Pascal (*.pas, *.dpr, *.dpk);
- SQL (*.sql, *.ddl);
- Delphi Text Forms (*.dfm);
- C++ (*.cpp; *.h, *.hpp, *.c, *.bpr);
- Inno Setup files (*.iss);
- INI files (*.ini);
- Assembler files (*.asm);
- HTML files (*.html, *.hm);
- XML files (*.xml);
- Visual Basic Script (*.vbs);
- Visual Basic (*.vb);
- Java Script (*.js);
- Java files (*.java);
- PHP scripts (*.php);
- PERL scripts (*.pl, *.pm);
- IDL files (*.idl)
Easy-to-use |
AthlantDiff is very simple. If you would like to compare two files you should run:
diff.exe file1.ext file2.ext
And that is all! If the files are identical AthlantDiff will display the message: "Files are identical". Otherwise you will visually see the differences.