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CLXToolbar - êðîññ-ïëàòôîðìåííûå êîìïîíåíòû äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ ïëàâàþùåé ïàíåëè èíñòðóìåíòîâ â Delphi, C++ Builder è Kylix íà áàçå CLX






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There are not so many applications which do not use toolbars for friendly user's interface. We are sure you also use toolbars in your programs.

CLXToolbar is our 100% CLX toolbar and docking system. It enables you to use toolbars in cross-platform applications based on such powerful cross-platform library as CLX. With CLXToolbar your toolbars and floating windows can smoothly move as they are dragged (no dragging rectangle). CLXToolbar is full compatible with Windows-platform without requiring a recent version of COMCTL32.DLL, unlike Delphi's TToolBar and TCoolBar components. It is also full compatible with Linux-platform without requiring any additional modules.

The CLXToolar is also completely easy to use. For your end-users, they will have at their disposal the same UI elements they use each and every day within common applications. It is important that your users will have this interface even if they work on Linux platform. For you, CLXToolbar provides an extremely easy and clear design time environment so you can produce your applications in the shortest possible time.

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