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CLXToolbar - êðîññ-ïëàòôîðìåííûå êîìïîíåíòû äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ ïëàâàþùåé ïàíåëè èíñòðóìåíòîâ â Delphi, C++ Builder è Kylix íà áàçå CLX






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� Screenshots

Application with CLXTollbar

There are all CLXToolbar components shown in this example: TCLXDock, TCLXToolbar, TCLXDockingControl, TCLXToolButton and TCLXSeparator.

TCLXToolbar component

There are different kinds of TCLXToolbar components on these figures: a floating toolbar, a docked toolbar with the double line header and a docked toolbar with the single line header.

TCLXDock component

There are four TCLXDock components on this figure: top (selected), right, bottom and left aligned. This means that you can place toolbars and docked controls on any form side.

TCLXDockingControl component

This TCLXDockingControl is docked and the TTreeView component is placed there.

TCLXDock component in page mode

TCLXDock can be used in two modes: dmSimple and dmPage. In dmPage mode every docked control is placed on a separate page. Here you see two different docked controls on separate pages: Memo and TreeView. This is run-time mode of TCXDock only.

CLXToolbar in Linux

See how the CLXToolbar example looks like when it is compiled in Kylix (Red Hat Linux).

TCLXDockingControl in floating mode in Kylix

This is how the TCLXDockingControl looks like when it is in the floating mode in a Kylix application.

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