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CLXToolbar - êðîññ-ïëàòôîðìåííûå êîìïîíåíòû äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ ïëàâàþùåé ïàíåëè èíñòðóìåíòîâ â Delphi, C++ Builder è Kylix íà áàçå CLX






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� Feature Matrix

System requirements

Borland Delphi 6-7 (Standard, Professional, Enterprise)
Borland C++ Builder 6 (Standard, Professional, Enterprise)
Borland Kylix 3 (Open, Professional, Enterprise)

Dockable and floating controls

Use TCLXDock component to dock TCLXDockingControl and TCLXToolbar on top, bottom, left and right sides of a form
Any TControl descendants (TLabel, TMemo, TTreeView, etc) can be placed on TCLXDockingControl in order to make these controls dockable or floating.
Use TCLXToolButton and TCLXSeparator with TCLXToolbar to get more features in future.
TCLXDockingControl stores different sizes in dockable and floating mode and applies them when its state is changing

Toolbar Component

Use TCLXToolbar to create floating user's friendly toolbars with buttons and special 'linear' controls (combo-boxes, labels, etc).
TCLXToolbar does not allow to set arbitrary sizes in order to show all placed buttons and controls. In mode TCLXToolbar allows to change its orientation: horizontal and vertical.
Use TCLXSeparator to separate buttons and controls on groups visually.

Programming convenience

Actions with CLXToolbar components cause such special events as before/after docking, before/after floating, hiding and showing, etc for more flexible programming of automatic features.
You can enable and disable docking on necessary docking controls in the programming code.

Visual Interface

Use two modes of TCLXDock: dmPage for placing all docked controls on different pages and dmSimple for standard docking.
You can set different kinds of header lines of each docking control.

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